Saturday, August 15, 2009
Let go...
Kadang apa yang kita alami dalam hidup ini ga sesuai sama apa yang kita harapkan. Bahkan hampir selalu demikian. We didn’t do any bad things. But we have to be painfull. So unfair,,yes it is.. but hey,,this is life. Jalan ga selamanya mulus,,pasti ada kerikilnya,,pasti ada geronjalannya,,tapi itupun juga ga akan selamanya. Pasti kita bakal nemuin lagi jalan yang mulus,,asal kita mau maju terus dan ga nyerah,,kalo kita nyerah,,kita ga bakal nemuin jalan yang mulus,,karena kita akan stuck di jalan yang geronjalan tersebut.
Kita cuma hidup sekali,,sayang kan kalo kesempatan ini cuma dipake untuk happy-happy aja. How bored life’s gonna be. Kita juga mesti ngerasain yang namanya sedih, disakiti, dikecewain, ditinggalin, dan ngerasain gimana bahagianya kita waktu kita berhasil survive dalam keadaan yang kaya gini. It will be the greatest experience that can makes us feels life.
I do ever feel this way. I’ve been cheated by someone whom i trusted, i loved, it was.
Not very long time ago. The pain, actually still there. Haha. But i don’t really care about it. Because i know,,this is the way my life should goes. This is the pain that i should tasted. This is my own way. And i go for it. With no regret. I will never regret it,,the pain, the tears, the heartbreak, will lead me to something more precious that i can’t ever imagine. I’m going to the right way. I faced it. I believed that there must be a sunshine after the storm left. As long as i do the right thing, i’ll never be afraid of anything.
I always know for sure,,that there must be a perfect love. Perfect man/woman. So, if we failed our love, there must be a sign, that it wasn’t the perfect one. We just have to wait and see. How beautiful God prepares our heart to receive His biggest gift for us, it’s the perfect love.
I’ve learned a lot because of this pain. Seperti kata slogan terkenal, ‘nggak ada noda yah nggak belajar’ haha.basi bgt. But it’s true. Great lesson comes from our pain. Great spirit comes from our tears. And all off that things bring us a great happiness.
Dear Mr. Heartbreaker,
Thanks for being a good friend to share everything that ever happened in my life. Thanks for every funny little things that you said to me. Thanks to put some colours in my life. I really appreciate that. Its really nice of you. Its just so nice to know you. Every second that ever happened to our life, its really change me, change my mind, change the way i face this life. I do feel better. Thanks to you anyway. From now on, we have to live our life with happy cheerfull heart. Because its the only purpose for this pain. I’ve let you go. With happy smiling face, trully from my heart. Be brave to let go.
p.s Just be happy always!! This is an order..haha.
-used to be your very good friend-
Let me introduce myself...
Haaii,,sebelumnya kenalin nama gw Ingrid. Umur gw sekarang 20 tahun, gw lahir di Surabaya pada bulan Mei..(haha..penting yah?). hmm,, jujur ini pertama kalinya gw nulis blog. Ini blog pertama gw dan semoga gw bisa bertahan dengan blog gw yang pertama ini.haha.
About me :
Gw anak pertama dari dua bersaudara. Adik cwo gw satu-satunya beda umurnya sama gw cuma 1 tahun 5 bulan,, jadi bisa dibilang kita kaya temenan aja gitu,, ga ada senioritas,,haha.. Gw kuliah di universitas katolik Atmajaya fakultas psikologi angkatan 2007. What a great university with ‘great rules’..eerrrghh..bikin gw stress kadang-kadang. Jujur gw tidak pernah bercita-cita jadi seorang psikolog. Gw jg bingung kenapa akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk mendaftar ke fakultas psikologi. Yaah,, i just followed my heart without knowing what exactly the purpose was. But,,afterall, i didn’t regret it. Just enjoy it!
Hmm. I want to share about what i LOVE most and what i HATE most..haha..
I LOVE everyhing about mickey mouse. Buat gw,, Mr. Mickey Mouse is a legend. Gw cinta musik,,can’t live without it. Gw suka musik metal, emo, punk, alternative, pop, rock, anykinds of it. Selama hati gw berkenan, pasti gw dengerin semua jenis musik itu. Kadang-kadang mengikuti suasana hati gw juga sih. Gw suka nonton konser musik. It always makes me feel free and happy. I LOVE sneakers,,I LOVE shorts and t-shirt,,I LOVE gula-gula kapas,,I LOVE cookies, either eat or make it. I can’t refuse chocolate cookie,,hahaha..aaaaagh,,jd susah diet. I LOVE happy place,,like Disneyland,, Hmm,,ada hal yang bikin gw selalu diketawain sama temen-temen gw,,gw cuek (ampe saking cueknya, temen gw malu waktu gw melakukan hal-hal yg tidak bisa dimengerti dengan akal sehat di hall c kampus gw, contoh : bersihin gigi pake tusuk gigi). Kayanya mereka ketawa sambil menahan perih deh,,soalnya ga taw mesti gimana nanggepin sikap temennya. Huahahaha,,padahal gwnya santai. I LOVE knitting,,i LOVE cooking,,i LOVE photografi,,I LOVE great fashion style. I LOVE snow,,meskipun sampai hari ini gw belum pernah megang salju, but i promised myself,, someday i will. I LOVE puppy,,i LOVE babies,,hahaha,,always love their smile,,laugh,,and cute gesture..hahaha..i LOVE Jesus Christ,,my only savior that will never let me down..
I LOVE person who has responsibilities,,integrity,,loyalities,,big heart to share with others who really need that.
Gw sangat menghargai orang-orang yang punya prinsip dalam hidupnya. Orang yang ga gampang kebawa arus dan bisa ngendaliin dirinya. Orang yang tulus,,jujur,,dan setia. Hmm,,kesetiaan itu mahal harganya. Because i lost it once. Simple things which can change everything. Once you lost it,,it never been easy to get it back into your heart.
Now,,what i HATE most..
Hmm,,i HATE reptiles,,i HATE anger,,i HATE violence againts anykind of creatures,,i HATE being sad,,i HATE being cheated,,i HATE liar,,i HATE player,,i HATE selfish person..i HATE traitor..i HATE heartbreaker..i HATE benci kemunafikan,,penjilat,,muka dua..
Gw heran ada orang-orang yang egois dan cuma mikirin kebahagiaannya sendiri tanpa mikirin perasaan orang lain. Yaah,,itu hak mereka sih untuk bahagia. Dilema hidup sih,,mau mentingin kebahagiaan sendiri dulu atau kebahagiaan orang lain dulu. Sebagai manusia pasti akan mikirin dirinya dulu baru orang lain, sangat wajar sih. Hmm,,its not their fault. Its just,,this is the way we living this world. In real world,,we never get what we want if we’re not being selfish. I HATE it so much.
Apa sih yang orang cari di dunia ini ?? what kind of happiness that people hardly looking for? Ampe dia harus ngorbanin banyak hal dalam hidupnya,,termasuk ngorbanin orang yang paling bersedia untuk menerima dia apa adanya.
Kalo emang dunia harus begini,,so i decided not to following it. I have my own rule for my own life.
GIVE MORE rather than TAKE MORE,,i think this is the only way that people should do if they want to have a great happiness in their life.
Honestly,, i’m not that kind of person yet. But i always try to be that person. It will be my life’s purpose.
Hmm,,,kalau misalnya gw bisa merubah dan melakukan apapun di dunia ini,,ini hal-hal yang pengen gw lakuin,,haha
- gw pengen lahir di eropa (hmmm,,irlandia mungkin), supaya gw bisa megang salju tiap taun.
- gw pengen bisa main gitar,,because its too cool to be true..haha
- gw pengen sekolah masak,,sejujurnya gw pengen jadi koki,ahaha
- gw pengen punya rumah yang di depannya ada hamparan rumput nan hijau trus ada danau yang bisa dibuat mancing tiap saat..,,kalo udah gt gw pengen pelihara berbagai jenis anjing,,thats my dream
- pengen bisa jago berkuda,,gokart,,main ski,,naik balon udara,,berenang,,oh gosh,,gw pengen bgt bisa berenang..hahaha..
- pengen bisa bahasa belanda,,perancis,,korea,,spanyol,,hahaha..tagalog jg deh kalo perlu..
- gw pengen tinggi,,haha,,huuuhh,,susahnyaa,,
- gw pengen punya clothing line,,hahahahaaaa,,,amiinn..
- gw pengen mengunjungi setiap negara,,semua tempat di dunia sebelum gw ga ada lagi di dunia..its true,,its my biggest dreams.
- gw pengen jadi cwe kuat yang bisa selalu bahagia dalam keadaan sesulit apapun,,bisa bikin keadaan yang paling buruk sekalipun jadi hal yang menyenangkan dan selalu bisa bikin org lain seneng karena kehadiran gw di hidup mereka,,thats really cool..