Saturday, August 15, 2009

Let go...

Ada satu hal yang nggak pernah bisa kita pungkiri untuk terjadi dalam hidup ini. Being sad,, sakit hati,,kecewa,,dikhianati,,and anything like that.
Kadang apa yang kita alami dalam hidup ini ga sesuai sama apa yang kita harapkan. Bahkan hampir selalu demikian. We didn’t do any bad things. But we have to be painfull. So unfair,,yes it is.. but hey,,this is life. Jalan ga selamanya mulus,,pasti ada kerikilnya,,pasti ada geronjalannya,,tapi itupun juga ga akan selamanya. Pasti kita bakal nemuin lagi jalan yang mulus,,asal kita mau maju terus dan ga nyerah,,kalo kita nyerah,,kita ga bakal nemuin jalan yang mulus,,karena kita akan stuck di jalan yang geronjalan tersebut.

Kita cuma hidup sekali,,sayang kan kalo kesempatan ini cuma dipake untuk happy-happy aja. How bored life’s gonna be. Kita juga mesti ngerasain yang namanya sedih, disakiti, dikecewain, ditinggalin, dan ngerasain gimana bahagianya kita waktu kita berhasil survive dalam keadaan yang kaya gini. It will be the greatest experience that can makes us feels life.

I do ever feel this way. I’ve been cheated by someone whom i trusted, i loved, it was.
Not very long time ago. The pain, actually still there. Haha. But i don’t really care about it. Because i know,,this is the way my life should goes. This is the pain that i should tasted. This is my own way. And i go for it. With no regret. I will never regret it,,the pain, the tears, the heartbreak, will lead me to something more precious that i can’t ever imagine. I’m going to the right way. I faced it. I believed that there must be a sunshine after the storm left. As long as i do the right thing, i’ll never be afraid of anything.

I always know for sure,,that there must be a perfect love. Perfect man/woman. So, if we failed our love, there must be a sign, that it wasn’t the perfect one. We just have to wait and see. How beautiful God prepares our heart to receive His biggest gift for us, it’s the perfect love.

I’ve learned a lot because of this pain. Seperti kata slogan terkenal, ‘nggak ada noda yah nggak belajar’ haha.basi bgt. But it’s true. Great lesson comes from our pain. Great spirit comes from our tears. And all off that things bring us a great happiness.

Dear Mr. Heartbreaker,
Thanks for being a good friend to share everything that ever happened in my life. Thanks for every funny little things that you said to me. Thanks to put some colours in my life. I really appreciate that. Its really nice of you. Its just so nice to know you. Every second that ever happened to our life, its really change me, change my mind, change the way i face this life. I do feel better. Thanks to you anyway. From now on, we have to live our life with happy cheerfull heart. Because its the only purpose for this pain. I’ve let you go. With happy smiling face, trully from my heart. Be brave to let go.

p.s Just be happy always!! This is an order..haha.

-used to be your very good friend-

1 comment:

  1. seandainya ada jempol di blogspot, i'll give you thumbs, thumbs, and all thumbs that i have. kata2mu keren. sumpah. aku ampe terbawa dikit pas ngebaca tulisanmu.

    NB: sori copy-paste dari chat, hihi...
