Thursday, December 31, 2009
on the last day of 2009..
Many things happened in 2009...and for me, its not easy to forget this year,,well, ɑ lot of things, happiness, trouble, laughter, sorrow, presure,etc..haPpened to me this year..
I thought, 2009 would be ɑ great year ever....but the truth is, not yet..
And everythings happened so unpredictable...but still, I know, I always believe that happiness will come around us...cover up everything that have been messed up..
On this last day,,
An honesty will be so meaningful for me,,for moving on my life,,for making me live just like the new one...
Now, I'm listening to this song, and I think it still happen to me sometimes, this is an honesty,, and I gotta let myself know that I can live my life better after this last day...
_ɑ song by Alter Bridge_
"In Loving Memory"
Thanks for all you've done
I've missed you for so long
I can't believe you're gone
You still live in me
I feel you in the wind
You guide me constantly
I've never knew what it was to be alone, no
Cause you were always there for me
You were always there waiting
And ill come home and I miss your face so
Smiling down on me
I close my eyes to see
And I know, you're a part of me
And it's your song that sets me free
I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comforts me
I carry the things that remind me of you
In loving memory of
The one that was so true
Your were as kind as you could be
And even though you're gone
You still mean the world to me
I've never knew what it was to be alone, no
Cause you were always there for me
You were always there waiting
But now I come home and it's not the same, no
It feels empty and alone
I can't believe you're gone
And I know, you're a part of me
And it's your song that sets me free
I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comforts me
I'm glad he set you free from sorrow
I'll still love you more tomorrow
And you will be here with me still
And what you did you did with feeling
And You always found the meaning
And you always will
And you always will
And you always will
And I know, you're a part of me
And it's your song that sets me free
I sing it while I feel I can't hold on
I sing tonight cause it comforts me
# that was ɑ perfect song... guess I have to be better tommorow, on the 1st day of 2010,, so, I listen to this song, feels that i have to be honest, so that I can leave it all behind...on this last day of 2009..
Memories never been easy to erase...but we can still going on our steps to move forward, so, just leave it all behind...
I promise myself,,that I can do everything to complete my spirit...fullfil my days with hope and dreams that can still be true...because from now on, every breath that I take, it won't remind me of those painfull stuffs anymore..
I'm just the way I am...
I'm nothing but ordinary..
I'm everything I am because God loves me
And I realize that there still ɑ lot of people out there who will be my happiness, my spirit, my dream..
May Jesus guide my heart and make me strong,, and I wish loves may come around me for all this long time..
Said, Welcome 2010!!!!! I definetely ready!!!!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
"tell them all...."
Sering ga si ngrasa gengsi buat ngomong sayang sm org?? Even itu ortu kita sendiri, adek, ato kakak kita sendiri..
Klo sm pacar sih, ampe eneg2 kali yah blg bahkan sama org yg paling deket sama hidup kita aja susah kan buat ngomong sayang...
Krn pasti kita mikirnya, yaelaaah, gw sayang kog sm ortu gw, ga usah dibilang mrk jg pasti tau lah...hmm,,emg sih...adek gw jg ga pernah blg syg sm gw,,
Tp percaya ato ga, pernah sekali dia blg dia sayang sm gw, dan itu bikin gw terharu bgt, pdhl sbenernya gw jg tau kalo dia sayang sm kakaknya...
Cm dg kata2 sesimple itu, udah bikin kontribusi besar buat hidup gw....dr sejak itu, hubungan gw sm ade gw jd makin deket,,makin seru,,bhkan gw blom bisa matahin gengsi gw dg bilang sayang jg ke dia..parah, sama adek sndiri aja gengsi...
Byk org mikir, sayang ga perlu diomongin, cukup ditunjukkin aja...well, tp mnurut gw, somehow it feels different if you tell people that you love them..
Just let them know...before they leave you...
Krn gw ga akan pernah mau ngrasa nyesel krn blom sempet blg klo gw sayang sm org2 terdekat gw...and some other people whose make my life feels wonderful..
Eeerrghhh...knp si hrs ada kata gengsi, jaim, dsb...scr ga sadar itu semua bikin kita ngelawan kata hati kita...
Love always comes from our heart..
Love always sweet to tell..
It can never failed..
It always works..
Say the magic spell, I ♡ u..
Then, you can make their life seems wonderful..
And you shall never know how it feels when your simple word can change the way people face their life...
Klo gw, gw mau bilang :
I ♡ u mom
I ♡ u dad
I ♡ u oma
I ♡ u adek
I ♡ u guys
I ♡ u .... ***hmm.
Mulai skrg, gw mau coba beraniin diri to let them know that I ♡ them..
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Is this really true???
When a GIRL is quiet... millions of things are running in her mind.
(Belum tentu, bisa aja lg ngantuk atau mati gaya,hehe)
When a GIRL is not arguing... she is thinking deeply.
(Ini jg blm tentu sih,,bisa aja emang lg males berdebat..)
When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions... she is wondering how long you will be around.
(Iiihh,,,kalo ini mah cwenya aja mukanya kepo...)
When a GIRL answers ' I'm fine ' after a few seconds... she is not at all fine.
(This is true, its so true..hehe...)
When a GIRL stares at you... she is wondering why you are lying.
When a GIRL lays on your chest... she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered.
When a GIRL says ' I love you ' ... she means it.
(Yeah,,I really mean it..but, how about boys?? № one ever know it, girls..*huufh*)
When a GIRL says ' I miss you ' ... no one in this world can miss you more than that.
Life only comes around once, make sure u spend it with the right person.
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot.
(Like this!!! Ya iyalah, gw sih risih klo ada cwo yg blg, "you're hot"...NGERI!!!)
who calls you back when you hang up on him.
(Hmm,,hmm,,yeah, pastinyaaa!!)
who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
(Woww,,sweet...udah ky edward cullen aja...klo disini bisa diusir sm mama-papa keluar dr kamar...masa cwo masuk2 kmr cwe...)
Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead.
(Well, I think this is true,, it means he loves you and respects you either)
Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.
Who holds your hand in front of his friends.
(Awas aja ampe enggak..hahahaha...)
Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.
(Ya ya yaaa, asal jgn kebanyakan ngegombal aja, basi!!)
Who turns to his friends and says, ' That's her!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Lord on high is here tonight
Stepping through this sacred sky
Suddenly our eyes behold
Heaven's perfect plan unfold
Son of God
Son of God, love divine
Timeless one step into time
Who could dream of such ɑ thing?
With us now, the King of kings
Men and angels bow and sing
Singing alleluia, alleluia
-a beautiful song written by Michael W. Smith-
Monday, October 26, 2009
Why Should We Complain ?
Complain is not always the best ways to change anything. I cannot say that life is smooth, straight, and perfect. Its so wrong, its not called life anyway. Sometimes life’s sucks, boring, painfull, unfair, and some others. And we always complain about any of those sucks things. Why is this happened to me? Why do i have this life? Why are those people seems so lucky? Why God never give me what i want?
I do ever faced a bad things. And it felt teribble. And as a human, i start to complain to God. Kenapa sih gw harus ngalamin ini? Kenapa bukan orang lain aja? Emang gw salah apa? Then, i felt so lucky because God give me His sweet answer for my questions. I found it in my grandmom’s room. This answer was hangin’ on the wall. It said like this :
Our Father Knows Best
Our father knows whats best for us
So, why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain
We like the sound of laughter
And the merriment of cheers
But our heart would lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tears
Our father test us often
With suffering and with sorrow
He tests us, not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow
For growing trees are strengthened
When they withstand the storm
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gives the marble grace and form
Our father never hurts us needlessly
And He never waste our pain
For every loss he sends to us
Is followed by a rich gain
And when we count the blessings
That God has so freely sent
We will find no cause for murmuring
And no time to lament
For our father loves His children
And to Him all things are plan
So He never sends us pleasure
When the soul’s deep need is pain
So whenever we are troubled
And when everything goes wrong
It is just God working in us
To make our spirit strong
Then, after i finished read it, i just smile. I felt that this is my rain, and my sunshine is yet to come. Kadang pernah ga sih kita mikir, kalau kita nggak pernah ngerasa sedih, kita ga akan bener-bener tau rasanya bahagia. Its just life teach us a lot. We learn that people cannot avoid pain. Cannot avoid suffer. Cannot avoid lost. But life also teach us, that we can always face that kind of sorrow. Just don’t give up. Stop complaining things. Just be brave to find your new hope, your true happiness that God prepared. Its not only about the matter of time. Its about your genuine heart to face it. Just let God handle it. And everythings gonna be wonderful in time. Trust me, guys. Its really true and it works on me.
So, just think hundred times to start complain. See this picture below? If you complain about your life, what about them??

C'mon guys, just think about it!!!! Bless you alwaysss....^^,
Saturday, October 17, 2009
my beloved OMA..
i just wanna write about my grandmother, because i wanna show the world how wonderfull she is..
Sekarang umur oma udah 73 tahun..tapi oma tetep aktif di gereja sebagai pengurus ini itu..masi aktif ikut acara baksos ini itu dan selalu bawa kebahagiaan buat semua orang...hihi...i thank to God everytime because i have her..sosok yang luar biasa, sosok yang kuat dan tegar, dan hidupnya hanya untuk Tuhan. And see, bagaimana hebatnya Tuhan berkarya dalam hidupnya..
Sekilas ttg oma :
Oma, mama dari papaku, Melanie Pangalila-Broers..istri dari seorang marinir asal Manado yang hidupnya selalu didedikasikan untuk kesejahteraan orang lain, opa, Bert Pangalila...opa udah lama meninggal, udah 42 tahun yang lalu opa meninggal. Waktu opa meninggal, umur oma masi 20-30an. Masi sangat muda dan dikaruniai 5 anak yang masih kecil-kecil (bahkan waktu itu papaku masih di perut oma). Opa meninggal dalam kecelakaan pesawat di Menado. Oma sangat terguncang, bahkan oma sempet hilang ingatan selama 2 tahun akibat meninggalnya opa yang tidak pernah disangka-sangka.
Sejak meninggalnya opa, oma hidup sendiri dengan kelima anaknya. Oma menjadi single parent buat anak-anaknya. Oma kerja keras membanting Tulang demi menghidupi anak-anaknya. Banyak banget cobaan dan kesulitan hidup yang dialami oma dalam membesarkan anak-anaknya. Mulai dari anak-anaknya yang nakal, masalah membagi waktu antara kerja dan ngurus anak, bahkan masalah ekonomi pun oma alami. Opa sama oma dulu bukan orang yang kaya raya, oma harus kerja keras untuk menghidupi anak-anaknya. tapi toh oma nggak pernah ngeluh. Dia cuma berpegang teguh sama Tuhan Yesus. Oma punya keyakinan yang kuat, bahwa kalau kita bergantung sama Tuhan Yesus, kita nggak akan pernah dikecewakan walau seberat apapun masalah yang kita alami.
Yang luar biasa dari oma : dari sejak opa meninggal sampai detik ini, oma ga nikah lagi. Bahkan terpikir untuk menikah lagi pun enggak. Oma handle semuanya sendiri. Waktu aku tanya, "kenapa oma ga nikah lagi?" oma cuma bilang, "karena oma cuma cinta sama opa". Ketika semua orang nanya, "kalau menghidupi anak 5 sendirian sangat berat, kenapa ga cari suami untuk meringankan beban itu?", oma selalu bilang, "aku cuma menggantungkan hidup ini sama Tuhan Yesus, dan Dia yang akan meringankan beban aku". Oma berhasil nyekolahin kelima anaknya sampai sarjana. Bahkan Om iwan, anak oma yang ke 3 lulus dengan predikat memuaskan di Belanda, dan sekarang bekerja sesuai bidangnya sebagai insinyur pesawat terbang. WOW!!itu semua dari hasil kerja keras oma seorang diri dan berkat kuasa Tuhan yang begitu besar buat hidupnya.
Kalau oma sakit parah, oma selalu bilang, kalau oma selalu ngerasa opa dateng dan jagain oma. What a beautiful thing. Opa masih selalu jagain oma. This is called True Love. Aku bersyukur bisa merasakan dengan sangat nyata betapa hebatnya perempuan seperti oma. padahal oma waktu masih muda cantiik bgtt. Berkali-kali ada laki-laki yang mau ngelamar oma. Tapi oma selalu nolak, karena buat dia, cintanya hanya untuk satu orang, yaitu opa. Meskipun kadang oma ngerasa berat untuk menanggung beban hidup sendirian, tapi oma sosok perempuan yang luar biasa. Oma punya kesetiaan yang sungguh sangat luar biasa yang mungkin sangat jarang kita temuin di jaman sekarang ini.
Semua anak-anak oma selalu bilang, opa memang pahlawan dalam arti harafiah, sebagai pembela negara dan bangsa. Namun sosok pahlawan sesungguhnya di mata anak-anaknya yaitu Oma. Oma yang berjuang membesarkan 5 anak sendirian, tanpa didampingi suami, karena oma hanya punya satu cinta, yaitu opa. kesetiaan luar biasa ini yang selalu oma tanamkan pada anak-anaknya. Dan aku bersyukur aku punya oma seperti dia.
my brother and i made a song for her. It dedicated to oma kami tersayang. Dan terinspirasi oleh kesetiaannya yang luar biasa. Kalo Tuhan mengijinkan album adek aku keluar, maka lagu ini ada di salah satu lagu-lagunya. Judulnya 'Tetap Setia'. ga sengaja lagu ini kita bikin, waktu lagi iseng aja nyanyi-nyanyi. Dan ternyata hidup oma udah memberi arti tersendiri buat aku dan adek. Sampai kita mendedikasikan lagu ini buat oma. we Love u oma...
ada lagi satu lagu yang diciptain om iwan buat oma, kita nyanyiin lagu ini sama2 (anak-anak, menantu, dan cucu-cucu oma) waktu oma ngerayain ultah ke 70 tahun. its about 3 years ago. Ini lirik lagu buat ultah oma waktu itu :
Life of many winding roads faced in faith and heart of love
Standing tall in God, full with kindness
You've turn the sorrow into joy with a gentle smile for all
Hard of stone has change trough your prayer
Bless you a faithfull friend of God
A song of joyfull shout
reff : may life be good and kind to you in everyway
so God He loves you He love you, yes You
Lagu ini dibuat berdasarkan kisah nyata kehidupan oma. Dan di mata anak-anak serta cucunya, oma sangat luar biasa. Sosok yang sangat tough, strong, and inspiring.
I do believe in true love becuse of her. I believe that true love is only exist for one heart. Ga akan bisa terbagi lagi, meskipun udah dipisahin sama takdir, nothing can compare.
Buat aku, oma sosok yang bikin aku kuat. Aku berharap oma selalu ada, meskipun itu ga mungkin, tapi paling tidak, aku berharap, oma masih ada untuk menggendong cicitnya..Amiinn...
i love u oma...mmuuaaaccchhh,,,,be here always oma..but even it can't be happen, you'll always in my heart..
Saturday, September 19, 2009
so damn THANK YOU!!!
i wanna say a huge thanks to :
1. my lord Jesus Christ, for everything that ever happened to my life..every breath, everytimes, everyways...pkoknya you're my everything, gw ampe udh ga bisa ngomong apa-apa lagi...i have a BIG God, and my God always BIGGER than my big-problem..terima kasih karena memberiku banyak pengalaman dan kesempatan untuk bertemu dg semua orang yang namanya aku sebut di bawah ini, dan banyak lagi orang yang mungkin belum tersebutkan lainnya..
2. my Parents, karena kalian aku ada di dunia ini...hmm,,can't imagine living my life without you, mom and dad..thanks for all you support and love,,ga akan pernah terbalas sampe titik darah penghabisan pun..i really Love u..!!!muuuach..
3. my lil'brother, biarpun lo rese',terkadang ngeselin, suka ngatain gw sayang bgt sm lo cuiy..haha. thanks for being such a great brother i've ever had..makasi buat bahu yg selalu siap sedia nampung air mata gw, thanks for every hugs that you gave when people put some pain in my heart..thanks for every lil'things that you said to make me strong and feel better all the time..i love you till the end..
4. my beloved girlfriends : ranny ayu, tannya mahardika, christina oriama, anastasya gadis, brinna anindita, sylvia andhini putri, indah devina, ramadhian aristi, dewi andarini, diana astria, annisa riani, nesha aurea, karina renata, gita sinaga, and some others....
thanks for always by myside whenever i need u all guys..makasi buat setiap pengalaman yg udah kalian kasi ke gw, dan udah bikin gw kuat dan ga ngerasa sendirian..makasi buat semua hal yg bikin gw ketawa di tengah setiap masalah yg gw alami...makasi buat selalu jadi pendengar, penasihat, motivator, penghibur, pelawak, dsb..di saat gw bener2 butuhin itu're the best gals..
5. my lovely cousin : brian steven warouw, melanie sarah warouw, gilbert-gillian pangalila, gladis theresia
banyak hal yang kalian tahu tentang gw, dan banyak hal pula yg kalian kasi ke gw, support, dan semua kata2 yang menenangkan setiap saat gw butuhin happy i am cos' i have you my sweet brothers and sister...go.go power rangers!!!haha..
6. my best boy-friends : daniel pantouw, david kho, aditya pratama, tonny arnanda,depemta, romy, and some others..
makasi buat setiap waktu dan kata-kata yang udah banyak bikin gw menemukan kembali kebahagiaan gw di kala banyak org ngecewain gw...depe-david, makasi buat shift janji ga akan ky gitu lg, at least gw berdiri tegak karena gw ga mau ngecewain temen2 terbaik gw..
7. pendeta gilbert lumoindong, yg udah ngasi gw ketenangan hati melalui kotbah2nya yang taw kenapa kotbahnya selalu bikin gw kuat,,menguatkan iman gw, hati gw, dan gw ngerasa Tuhan berkarya dalam hidup gw melalui kotbah2nya...thanks God i met you..kata2nya yang paling gw suka "siapapun yang berjumpa dengan Yesus, tidak pernah akan dikecewakan"...jujur, gw jd kuat juga karena gw denger kata2 ini..dan gw yakin, its really true..and it really works on me..
special thanks to omaku sayang, oma selalu ikut sedih di saat gw sedih, gw ga mau bikin oma sedih, thats why, gw akan selalu berusaha jd kuat buat dia...i love u oma...makasi buat masakan oma yg bikin aku semangat makan lg di saat semua makanan pun terasa hambar...makasi buat doa-doa oma yang selalu bikin aku ngerasa, i really don't need anything else, because of your pray, everything 's gonna be just fine..oma, please jgn kemana2 dulu sebelum aku nemuin org yang baik yang bakal jadi pendamping hidup aku..oma ga boleh kemana2 yah, aku sayang oma banget..mmuaaach..
sebenernya masi sangat banyak org yang pengen gw ucapin terima kasih,,karena setiap org yang gw temui, baik yang baik maupun kurang baik sama gw, baik yang tulus maupun enggak, setiap mereka membawa warna tersendiri dalam hidup gw, dan warna apapun yang mereka kasi, warna cerah atau gelap, itu semua bikin lukisan hidup gw jadi lebih indah dan penuh arti.. terima kasih buat semua orang yang pernah ada dalam hidup gw, baik yang cuma numpang lewat maupun yang tinggal ampe saat ini..kalian sungguh berarti..
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Let go...
Kadang apa yang kita alami dalam hidup ini ga sesuai sama apa yang kita harapkan. Bahkan hampir selalu demikian. We didn’t do any bad things. But we have to be painfull. So unfair,,yes it is.. but hey,,this is life. Jalan ga selamanya mulus,,pasti ada kerikilnya,,pasti ada geronjalannya,,tapi itupun juga ga akan selamanya. Pasti kita bakal nemuin lagi jalan yang mulus,,asal kita mau maju terus dan ga nyerah,,kalo kita nyerah,,kita ga bakal nemuin jalan yang mulus,,karena kita akan stuck di jalan yang geronjalan tersebut.
Kita cuma hidup sekali,,sayang kan kalo kesempatan ini cuma dipake untuk happy-happy aja. How bored life’s gonna be. Kita juga mesti ngerasain yang namanya sedih, disakiti, dikecewain, ditinggalin, dan ngerasain gimana bahagianya kita waktu kita berhasil survive dalam keadaan yang kaya gini. It will be the greatest experience that can makes us feels life.
I do ever feel this way. I’ve been cheated by someone whom i trusted, i loved, it was.
Not very long time ago. The pain, actually still there. Haha. But i don’t really care about it. Because i know,,this is the way my life should goes. This is the pain that i should tasted. This is my own way. And i go for it. With no regret. I will never regret it,,the pain, the tears, the heartbreak, will lead me to something more precious that i can’t ever imagine. I’m going to the right way. I faced it. I believed that there must be a sunshine after the storm left. As long as i do the right thing, i’ll never be afraid of anything.
I always know for sure,,that there must be a perfect love. Perfect man/woman. So, if we failed our love, there must be a sign, that it wasn’t the perfect one. We just have to wait and see. How beautiful God prepares our heart to receive His biggest gift for us, it’s the perfect love.
I’ve learned a lot because of this pain. Seperti kata slogan terkenal, ‘nggak ada noda yah nggak belajar’ haha.basi bgt. But it’s true. Great lesson comes from our pain. Great spirit comes from our tears. And all off that things bring us a great happiness.
Dear Mr. Heartbreaker,
Thanks for being a good friend to share everything that ever happened in my life. Thanks for every funny little things that you said to me. Thanks to put some colours in my life. I really appreciate that. Its really nice of you. Its just so nice to know you. Every second that ever happened to our life, its really change me, change my mind, change the way i face this life. I do feel better. Thanks to you anyway. From now on, we have to live our life with happy cheerfull heart. Because its the only purpose for this pain. I’ve let you go. With happy smiling face, trully from my heart. Be brave to let go.
p.s Just be happy always!! This is an order..haha.
-used to be your very good friend-
Let me introduce myself...
Haaii,,sebelumnya kenalin nama gw Ingrid. Umur gw sekarang 20 tahun, gw lahir di Surabaya pada bulan Mei..(haha..penting yah?). hmm,, jujur ini pertama kalinya gw nulis blog. Ini blog pertama gw dan semoga gw bisa bertahan dengan blog gw yang pertama ini.haha.
About me :
Gw anak pertama dari dua bersaudara. Adik cwo gw satu-satunya beda umurnya sama gw cuma 1 tahun 5 bulan,, jadi bisa dibilang kita kaya temenan aja gitu,, ga ada senioritas,,haha.. Gw kuliah di universitas katolik Atmajaya fakultas psikologi angkatan 2007. What a great university with ‘great rules’..eerrrghh..bikin gw stress kadang-kadang. Jujur gw tidak pernah bercita-cita jadi seorang psikolog. Gw jg bingung kenapa akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk mendaftar ke fakultas psikologi. Yaah,, i just followed my heart without knowing what exactly the purpose was. But,,afterall, i didn’t regret it. Just enjoy it!
Hmm. I want to share about what i LOVE most and what i HATE most..haha..
I LOVE everyhing about mickey mouse. Buat gw,, Mr. Mickey Mouse is a legend. Gw cinta musik,,can’t live without it. Gw suka musik metal, emo, punk, alternative, pop, rock, anykinds of it. Selama hati gw berkenan, pasti gw dengerin semua jenis musik itu. Kadang-kadang mengikuti suasana hati gw juga sih. Gw suka nonton konser musik. It always makes me feel free and happy. I LOVE sneakers,,I LOVE shorts and t-shirt,,I LOVE gula-gula kapas,,I LOVE cookies, either eat or make it. I can’t refuse chocolate cookie,,hahaha..aaaaagh,,jd susah diet. I LOVE happy place,,like Disneyland,, Hmm,,ada hal yang bikin gw selalu diketawain sama temen-temen gw,,gw cuek (ampe saking cueknya, temen gw malu waktu gw melakukan hal-hal yg tidak bisa dimengerti dengan akal sehat di hall c kampus gw, contoh : bersihin gigi pake tusuk gigi). Kayanya mereka ketawa sambil menahan perih deh,,soalnya ga taw mesti gimana nanggepin sikap temennya. Huahahaha,,padahal gwnya santai. I LOVE knitting,,i LOVE cooking,,i LOVE photografi,,I LOVE great fashion style. I LOVE snow,,meskipun sampai hari ini gw belum pernah megang salju, but i promised myself,, someday i will. I LOVE puppy,,i LOVE babies,,hahaha,,always love their smile,,laugh,,and cute gesture..hahaha..i LOVE Jesus Christ,,my only savior that will never let me down..
I LOVE person who has responsibilities,,integrity,,loyalities,,big heart to share with others who really need that.
Gw sangat menghargai orang-orang yang punya prinsip dalam hidupnya. Orang yang ga gampang kebawa arus dan bisa ngendaliin dirinya. Orang yang tulus,,jujur,,dan setia. Hmm,,kesetiaan itu mahal harganya. Because i lost it once. Simple things which can change everything. Once you lost it,,it never been easy to get it back into your heart.
Now,,what i HATE most..
Hmm,,i HATE reptiles,,i HATE anger,,i HATE violence againts anykind of creatures,,i HATE being sad,,i HATE being cheated,,i HATE liar,,i HATE player,,i HATE selfish person..i HATE traitor..i HATE heartbreaker..i HATE benci kemunafikan,,penjilat,,muka dua..
Gw heran ada orang-orang yang egois dan cuma mikirin kebahagiaannya sendiri tanpa mikirin perasaan orang lain. Yaah,,itu hak mereka sih untuk bahagia. Dilema hidup sih,,mau mentingin kebahagiaan sendiri dulu atau kebahagiaan orang lain dulu. Sebagai manusia pasti akan mikirin dirinya dulu baru orang lain, sangat wajar sih. Hmm,,its not their fault. Its just,,this is the way we living this world. In real world,,we never get what we want if we’re not being selfish. I HATE it so much.
Apa sih yang orang cari di dunia ini ?? what kind of happiness that people hardly looking for? Ampe dia harus ngorbanin banyak hal dalam hidupnya,,termasuk ngorbanin orang yang paling bersedia untuk menerima dia apa adanya.
Kalo emang dunia harus begini,,so i decided not to following it. I have my own rule for my own life.
GIVE MORE rather than TAKE MORE,,i think this is the only way that people should do if they want to have a great happiness in their life.
Honestly,, i’m not that kind of person yet. But i always try to be that person. It will be my life’s purpose.
Hmm,,,kalau misalnya gw bisa merubah dan melakukan apapun di dunia ini,,ini hal-hal yang pengen gw lakuin,,haha
- gw pengen lahir di eropa (hmmm,,irlandia mungkin), supaya gw bisa megang salju tiap taun.
- gw pengen bisa main gitar,,because its too cool to be true..haha
- gw pengen sekolah masak,,sejujurnya gw pengen jadi koki,ahaha
- gw pengen punya rumah yang di depannya ada hamparan rumput nan hijau trus ada danau yang bisa dibuat mancing tiap saat..,,kalo udah gt gw pengen pelihara berbagai jenis anjing,,thats my dream
- pengen bisa jago berkuda,,gokart,,main ski,,naik balon udara,,berenang,,oh gosh,,gw pengen bgt bisa berenang..hahaha..
- pengen bisa bahasa belanda,,perancis,,korea,,spanyol,,hahaha..tagalog jg deh kalo perlu..
- gw pengen tinggi,,haha,,huuuhh,,susahnyaa,,
- gw pengen punya clothing line,,hahahahaaaa,,,amiinn..
- gw pengen mengunjungi setiap negara,,semua tempat di dunia sebelum gw ga ada lagi di dunia..its true,,its my biggest dreams.
- gw pengen jadi cwe kuat yang bisa selalu bahagia dalam keadaan sesulit apapun,,bisa bikin keadaan yang paling buruk sekalipun jadi hal yang menyenangkan dan selalu bisa bikin org lain seneng karena kehadiran gw di hidup mereka,,thats really cool..